This study circle is a free weekly Monday evening spiritual study circle organized at my home for ten weeks to bring together spiritually thirsty people interested in spiritual development to reflect on what is beyond our physical and mental limitations, what is our true essence and how to connect to that Source within. The more diverse the group the more interesting the discussions will be as it is an interactive workshop! The study circle is free of charge except for the workbook we use which is 5 euros.
The weekly deepenings is facilitated by me and we are going to use a a workbook called "Reflections on the Life of the Spirit" which will guide us through spiritual themes and questions like:
- Who am I beyond my body and mind?
- What is the nature of the Soul? How to connect to it?
- What are the spiritual laws and principles?
- How to recognize and align to the Source?
- How our soul progresses in this life and after our physical existence?
- What is the concept of Prayer?
- How to live our life according to our spiritual essence?
- What are the most imortant spiritual virtues?
This program is offered by local Baha'i Communities all around the world to offer spiritual education to anyone interested in these subjects. For more details visit:
I did this course myself in 2001 in the USA and it has transformed my life and that is the reason I have decided to become a facililtator for this amazing program which has been running all over the World bringing spiritual development into all different cultures, etnicties, races and religions from tribes of Africa to the eskimos in Greenland. I am excited and honored to share this course with you now in Malta. I have facilitated this program before in Hungary, in Spain, in France, in Ireland.
Everyone who is open to spiritual development is welcome to join us. It is wothry to note that the program is not about conviencing or converting anyone to anything but to discuss together spiritual principles which are worth investigating to go beyond are physical and mental limitations.
If you are interested to join please confirm your attendance by texting me to 9999 1844. On our first meeting we discuss what hour will be the most convinient for the group.